The World of Eideon
Current Year
875th Imperial Year
( 1105th Year Since the Inferno )
Races of Eideon
Created Races
Koffek Race
Dumaur Race
Uunbal Race
The World of Eideon
Current Year
875th Imperial Year
( 1105th Year Since the Inferno )
Races of Eideon
Created Races
Koffek Race
Dumaur Race
Uunbal Race
The Talahfem
The Sleihte
The Farraighe
The only truly immortal ones, high elves.
Wood elves that make their home on the mainland.
Ocean dwelling elves that almost exclusively make their lives out at sea or close to the coast.
Dark elves, practically half elves that have found their place among the various groups of humanity.
Tabbed Content
Amazonian rabbitfolk.