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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Combat Plan Rubicon/Falmart Timeline

Opening Moves

- Sunday 03.10.2789 A.D. Standard Calendar

5:30 AM OCST (Oshima City Standard Timezone) - Orbital Observation Platform C-531N

Oshiman Territorial Defense Force ODE Element ELINT satellite begins to pick up unusual exotic particulates within city limits, an automated report is sent to the Oshiman Central Defense Command but is regarded as a glitch. Twenty minutes later various space-time distortions begin to be detected and an additional report is sent and is again disregarded as a glitch due to a lack of effect on FTL traffic in and around the planet.

6:15 AM OCST - Oshima-Gooth L1 Lagrangian Point

The Kannon-Class Frigate UNV Bonneville transitions into normal space inside the designated 'slip zone' near Oshima's L1 Point with its moon, on board is Unit 550 of the 405th Naval Special Warfare Group known as Cadaver One. Down one team member from a failed attempt at retrieving Marii technology from disputed space. Somewhat rested, their mettle will soon be tested on the surface of Oshima. For now the vessel moves at steerage speed toward the Oshima City Lift Station.

6:45 AM OCST - Residential Block 32

The recently divorced Corporal of the Union Marine Reserve awakens in a dark small apartment, today is Polce Private Robert Yulles's first day on out of the security forces academy and first shift with the local police forces. It will take him an hour to wash off the night's mourning for his marriage and celebrations for his graduation. He rides off into the rising sun toward a new destiny he isn't yet aware of.

7:00 AM OCST - Camp Morrei - Marine Air Station Sack Field

Captain Hessler watches the sun rise out of the corner of his eye as he goes over the numerous checks required before they can begin turning the various thermonuclear turbofans that give the Ghoul gunship its lifting power. With the exception of its plasma and energy weaponry it is unarmed and scheduled for a test flight in one hour to check on a new upgrade package that had been fitted a few days ago.

7:15 AM OCST - Oshima City Outskirts

Yulles stops at a fuel station to refuel his bike, finds a girl that looks slightly out of place, brief conversation before he turns for a moment and vanishes. He shrugs and continues into the station.

7:30 AM OCST - Intersection of Brightwood and Highway 7

Odd winds, shifting visuals, though still deserted aside from the occasional car or shop owner noticing the odd movements, spacial distortions begin.

7:45 AM OCST - Military Barrier Station A31

Bonneville docks at a military platform orbiting near the space elevator counterweight station, the team meets their 'handler' Marine One Star Hummel, he begins the debrief as they walk toward a holo-chamber to examine the mission.

9:00 AM OCST - Oshima City Precinct/District 25

Yulles, now if full uniform and kit sits in a squad car with the precinct captain next to him riding shotgun. He is a retired Marine colonel doing his customary first ride with a new police. Hes nearly a hundred and twenty with grey hair and somewhat overweight. Hes walking Yulles through various special situations in his assigned area as message traffic flashes across their COM system about a disturbance at a nearby intersection, they respond.

They arrive just as the gate forms in the center part of the Brightwood/Highway 7 intersection, emerging with handguns, though Yulles later swaps his for a caseless rifle. Both men and patrolmen from three other cars watch stunned with a crowd of people circling the object as the vanguard of the Imperial Army steps out into the bright light of an Oshiman morning. (Orks and Goblins with light caster guns?) One of the creatures looks around stunned before raising his hand and lowering it quickly, the leading elements of creatures firing into the crowd before sword and board elements push forward. Yulles and the Retired Colonial open fire in time with the rest of the patrol officers.

9:10 AM OCST

A general alert reaches the planetary defense command, less then two miles from the intersection and the gate emergence point and goes out to the network. Territorial forces are put on alert and reserve formations are activated automatically with numerous individuals getting their summons via personal contact methods.

fic/falmart_timeline.1553974330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/30 19:32 by arieg203