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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


This is an old revision of the document!

Fic Farside Factions

Western Iositria

The western reaches of the northern continent.

Rothian Empire

Rothian Imperial Army Equipment

Rothian Dominion

The core state and power of the empire that rules the central valley of Western Iositria.

  • Seyait Ruins
  • Akro Twin Ruins
  • Achicoba Ruins
  • Krabe Ruins - An ancient human military complex in the south of the kingdoms and a source of a great many pieces of war buried underneath its wreckage, it has long been a source of strife between the Rothians and Brabians until a recent treaty.
Kingdom of Brabia

Also known as the peninsular realm, they control southwestern 'foot' of Western Iositria and was once a rival of the Rothians. Several small conflicts eventually led to a treaty over the control of a ruined ancient complex in the south that was the point of contention. Brabia's notable settlements include its walled capital and major port of Hewunan, two moderately sized farming towns along its northern border with Eathia, and a pair of small farmer/scavenging settlements outside of the ruins of Sethuk.

  • They control one moderately sized city ruin and have negotiated joint access with the Rothians to a former site of power (ancient military base).
Eathian Reach

To the north of Brabia,

Meiyan Domain
Lebian Barony

United Dumaurian Tribes

Wabbit people.

Eastern Iositria

The eastern reaches of the northern continent that lay beyond the burned wastes.


The southern continent.

Amaren League

  • Mirtheen elf led and controlled.

Klessian Kingdom

Varuvian Freehold

City-State of Bellnahgo

City-State of Rondel

fic/gate_factions.1581193477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/08 20:24 by arieg203