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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Fic Farside Factions

Western Iositria

The western reaches of the northern continent.

Rothian Empire

Rothian Kingdom

The core state and power of the empire that rules the central valley of Western Iositria.

  • They control access to three moderately sized and one large ruins of the old world with the Kingdom's core city being built atop and around one.
Kingdom of Brabia

Also known as the peninsular realm, they control southwestern 'foot' of Western Iositria, once a rival of the Rothians.

United Dumaurian Tribes

Wabbit people.

Eastern Iositria

The eastern reaches of the northern continent that lay beyond the burned wastes.


The southern continent.

Amaren League

  • Mirtheen elf led and controlled.

Klessian Kingdom

Varuvian Freehold

City-State of Bellnahgo

City-State of Rondel

fic/gate_factions.1581178148.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/08 16:09 by arieg203