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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Combat Plan Rubicon/Falmart Outline

Open War

- Friday 03.06.2789 A.D. Standard Calendar

Chapter One - Opening Moves

Introduce Sergeant Lance James Ross, Squad Leader for Guard Squad 62

Father of two, family is offworld but his homestead is somewhere behind enemy lines, retired Marine serving in the planet's Guard reserve. Older, practical, and direct, he is now in charge of two slightly younger men and a bunch of younger Guard troops on their mandatory civil service.

Setting Notes

They are in a farm warehouse on the north western side of a modestly sized town, most having just arrived after being called up and having drawn gear from its Guard armory. Outside is a motley collection of private pickup/farm vehicles and AFVs that where staged at the armory.

Some have rushed from their homes with families who are now being evacuated others had to get through on an overcrowded highway but now they are assembling and getting briefed.

To the north the sky is flashing as the main force of the invaders collides with the standing Colonial Army

fic/falmart_timeline.1593501574.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/30 07:19 by