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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Combat Plan Rubicon/Falmart Timeline

Opening Moves

- Friday 03.08.2789 A.D. Standard Calendar

5:30 AM OCST (Cascadium Central Continent Time - CCCT) - Orbital Observation Platform C-531N

Oshiman Territorial Defense Force ODE Element ELINT satellite begins to pick up unusual exotic particulates within the borders of the central continental development zone, a large forest of native platlife similar to pines and aspens that stretches across most of the central part of the continent. An automated report is sent but is considered a fluke.

- Sunday 03.10.2789 A.D. Standard Calendar

8:00 AM OCST (Cascadium Central Continent Time - CCCT) - Orbital Observation Platform C-531N

Oshiman Territorial Defense Force ODE Element ELINT satellite begins to pick up unusual exotic particulates within the borders of the central continental development zone, a large forest of native platlife similar to pines and aspens that stretches across most of the central part of the continent. An automated report is sent but is considered a fluke.

fic/falmart_timeline.1559356734.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/01 02:38 by arieg203