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Military and Security Entities of the Rothian Imperial Realm

Royal Guard Cadre

Royal Protector Corps

Chosen from the ranks of both the Guards Regiment and the Capital Guard based on their qualifications and unique characteristics. The Royal Protector Corps is responsible for the day to day protection of the Royal Family and its various properties and offices. Due to the various needs and levels of protection required they maintain both undercover operatives that can blend in with a crowd or show no obvious signs of being a threat to a would be attacker and open heavily armed body guards and a variance in between.

Capital Guard

Due to the varying loyalties and interests both within the two main branches of the Rothian military and the various provincial guards the capital city of Roth is guarded and defended by its own specially selected force under the command of the Royal Family. A garrison force, typically manned by selected volunteers from the army and navy, it is mostly composed of 'leg' infantry and motorized units with some air units intended to operate in and around the City of Roth.

Royal Guards Regiment

Effectively a self contained combined arms Provincial Guard force selected from volunteers from the Rothian Army, it acts as the Royal Family's personal house guard in matters beyond the capability of the Royal Protector Corps and is the primary 'Guard' unit for the capital province. Due to its importance for the security of the main province Imperial Realm they are typically equipped with the best systems available and are often used for testing prototypes or newly acquired lost technologies.

120th Imperial Year
Roth City Central Citadel
Military Age
25 Years
Active Units
Equivilant of One Ranean (Division)

Imperial Rothian Army

Infantry Corps

Armored Corps

Air Corps

Rail Corps

108th Imperial Year
Algonos Garrison
Military Age
20 Years
From the Provincial Guard
Active Units
One-Hundred and Twenty Ranean

Imperial Rothian Navy

Imperial Navy

Imperial Sea Corps

108th Imperial Year
Algonos Garrison
Military Age
20 Years
From the Provincial Guard
Active Units
One-Hundred and Twenty Ranean

Imperial Air Fleet

Imperial Air Fleet

Imperial Air Corps

108th Imperial Year
Algonos Garrison
Military Age
20 Years
From the Provincial Guard
Active Units
One-Hundred and Twenty Ranean


Provincial Guard

Imperial Foreign Service

  • A militant diplomatic branch dedicated toward expanding both the Empire's territory and will by the use of coercion via the flexing both diplomatic and military means.
  • The branch also controls the largest group of the empire's espionage assets located both within Imperial territory and throughout its neighboring nations. Their knowledge and influence is typically used against targeted groups and nations during various Imperial Foreign Service operations.


  • General law enforcement throughout the empire.
  • Enforcing imperial or noble edicts.
  • Tax collection.
fic/eideon/factions/rothian_realm/military.1616866562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/27 17:36 by arieg203