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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Falmart Fic Characters

Anglo-American Union Characters

Cascadium Guard/Army

  • Lieutenant Robert Yulles (33)
Guard Squad 62 - First Element 'Sierra-Fox 62'
  • Sergeant Lance James Ross (38)
  • Corporal First Grade Lucas Simpson (20)
  • Corporal Second Grade Martha Reyes (19)
  • Private First Grade Martin Higgins (18)
Guard Squad 62 - Second Element


The Expedition of Levias Lannis

Nobles of the Expeditionary Army

  • Levias Lannis (28)
    Son of a powerful senator and a wealthy member of the merchant party, the primary driver of the invasion of Cascadium.
  • Count Neevun (27)
    Childhood friend of Levias but from a poor estate, he is more skilled in military manners but is rarely listened too.
  • Countess Hoole (22)
    A soon to be married noble betrothed to Levias Lannis in a political marriage by her father, she is a abrasive and direct woman and is a member the expedition/invasion in an involuntary fashion.


  • Captain Lucius Irule (34)
    A middle aged mercenary and former imperial soldier, he is the leader of a small troupe of rifleman who sell their services to the highest bidder and was hired on as part of the forces for the invasion of cascadium.
  • Soone (19)
    A camp follower of Lucius's mercenary company and formerly a slave purchased by him, she is effectively his squire and cook and the two have a quasi father daughter relationship.
fic/characters.1577926235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/02 00:50 by arieg203