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The World of Eideon
Current Year
839th Imperial Year

2789 A.D.


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Battle of the Marias River

Forces Involved

Cascadium Surface Defense Force


  • Light Vehicles
  • 3x Bushmaster 6×6 ATGM Vehicles
  • 10x Sidewinder 4×4 Armored Trucks
  • 2x Rhino Trucks, one configured for fuel one for cargo.
  • 1x Gale 6×6 Mortar Truck

  • Armored Vehicles
  • 2x Puma 8×8 Armored Personnel Carriers
  • 1x Tiger 8×8 Infantry Fighting Vehicles
  • 1x Powell Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle
  • 2x Jackson Light Support Tanks


  • Light Armored Combat Team
  • 2x MADFV-011 'Jackson' Light Support Tank
    • 3x Crew Each
  • 1x Powell Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle
    • 3x Crew
    • 6x Infantry Fireteam Element

  • Mechanized Infantry Group
  • 1x Tiger 8×8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
    • 3x Crew
    • 9x Infantry Squad
  • 2x Puma 8×8 Armored Personnel Carriers
    • 2x Crew
    • 9x Infantry Squad

  • Motorized Anti-tank Group
  • 3x Bushmaster 6×6 ATGM Vehicles
    • 2x Crew
  • 3x Sidewinder 4×4 Armored Trucks
    • 2x Crew
    • 2x ATGM Team
  • 3x Sidewinder 4×4 Armored Trucks
    • 2x Crew

  • Motorized Mortar Section
  • 1x Gale 6×6 Mortar Truck
    • 2x Crew
  • 1x Sidewinder 4×4 Armored Truck
    • 2x Crew

  • Command and Supply Section
  • 3x Sidewinder 4×4 Armored Trucks
    • 4x Crew
  • 2x Rhino Trucks, one configured for fuel one for cargo.
    • 2x Crew

Initial Force Deployment


  • The story begins with a semi-bored Dumauri riding atop a light tank, sunset was an hour ago and now darkness is setting in with a light wind and a drizzle she knows will soon turn into a downpour. She is part of a company's worth of her kind pressed into service to act as scouts and night fighters. Her ilk's low light vision being one of the few things that evens out the hours of darkness versus those the Gali seek to enslave and conquer. For her part, she has little loyalty to them, the only thing keeping her ilk from fading into the forests is being trapped on this side… and the hostages they have back home. Suddenly she hears something, something shes heard many a time in the last few days as they've fought… what did they call themselves? Colonists? Suddenly the tank in the lead bursts into flames, its turret launching into the sky. Already her eyes traced the path to a collection of buildings (a farmhouse?) four hundred paces away over planted fields.

    Theres another flash of light and shes moving almost before she realizes it, propelling herself to the far side of the doomed vehicle. By the time she rises from a culvert on the far side the tank and the commander of the element are burning. She can see some of the wheeled carriers diving off into the field, some stopped, their infantry piling out as more rockets, they had to be rockets, lance out and pluck more armored vehicles. She manages a sigh before checking the chamber on her bolt action rifle and slipping off toward right side flank, rounds zip off to her side…. she remembers they can see in the dark too as she dives into another ditch.

  • Inside the prefab two story farm block an ATGM team and a pair of rifleman continue to lay on the fire, they've all been awake for nearly two days. Floating on stims and the simple fact that they're the only element left to slow whats laid out before them.

    Five hundred yards opposite their position an armored 4×4 unmasks itself from a copse of trees, its extended rear structure shifts and a quadruple missile launcher deploys itself. For the two occupants inside this will be an act of vengeance after watching the column in their sites capture or machinegun a group of evacuees the previous night. Methodically the gunner selects two wheeled fighting vehicles at least a platoon's worth of troops are using for cover. With the pull of a trigger he volleys two heavy ATGMs at both. Each pair has one missile set to direct attack with the other set to airburst just over the concentration of troops, the munitions employ fragmentation sleeves. A few seconds later four detonations trigger a pair of monstrous secondaries as rifle ammunition and explosives within the pair of AFVs go off. A stream of tracers from the armored truck's 8mm RWS only adds to the charnal house around the two burning vehicles.

  • One of the 8×8 IFOR transports halts, a light on its turret swinging with its motion as the crew within lay it's heavy machine gun on the offending structure. One of the riflemen is illuminated and then promptly blown apart by a single long burst. The two ATGM gunners and the surviving rifleman drop as the hostile vehicle begins to lay into their position with long bursts. All three scramble toward the back of the building and the stairs that will lead to their parked Sidewinder 4×4. A stray round obliterates one of the ATGM carrier's legs, forcing the other two to stop and carry their wounded friend.

    Outside a pair of tracked armored vehicles have left the road, their own guns, smooth bore cannon, begin to systematically destroy all structures before them. Their own spotlights are on as well, illuminating the area for the two squads of troops that are now filtering up around them. Three find landmines, bounding types that fling themselves into the air and orient on the largest number of thermal blobs within their sights before detonating.

    Opposite this costly assault most of the vehicles within the column have started laying into the stand of trees that had hidden the ATGM vehicle, even as it's operators make good their escape, the gunner still firing over the vehicles back. A single lucky cannon round strikes the rear of the vehicle, the resulting explosion killing both driver and gunner in a spectacular secondary detonation.

fic/battle_marias.1671774275.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/23 05:44 by arieg203