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Cascadium Timeline v3

Before May 20th 2789 A.D. - Pre-I-Day - Preparations

Overall Plot Situation

Things are set in motion by two distinct events occurring on the fallen fantasy world of Eideon. The first is the discovery of an ancient military complex underneath a mountain and the ancient portal device buried within. The second is another bought of unrest in a nation known as Gallipor, based on the Turks it had seen a military takeover and overthrow of its old governmental system ten years ago. While things had been 'good' initially two failed military campaigns, one leaving them with a vast swath of territory to occupy that held a very uncooperative population (think Sadam and Kuwait) had begun to wear on the patience of the population and now they had another chance at riches through conquest as the device within this area was activated and offered a gateway to another world.

Battles/Notable Events

IFOR Actions

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CSF/Cascadium Governmental Actions Actions

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Character Situations

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May 20th 2789 A.D. - I-Day - The Invasion of Cascadium Begins

  • A synthetically generated wormhole opens on the surface of a frontier colony of the American Arm of the Solar Confederacy, its source is the fallen world of Eideon and the its creators begin to emerge.
  • They are a mixed group mostly consisting of one of the secondary powers of that world, a group known as the Kingdom of Gallipor. Driven by promises of resources, untainted land, and above all population (human life is a very highly sought commodity on Eideon).
  • Others include 'House' armies from the nation know as the Rothian Imperial Realm, mostly private ventures being carried out by rich nobles of said faction seeking their own slice of the possible treasures on the other side of the Gate. Some of these groups also have mercenary soldiers from various nations among their numbers as well.
  • By the end of the day roughly a divisions worth of men and equipment will be on the Cascadium side of the gate.
  • The Gate's location is somewhat remote with only various dirt trails and gravel access roads being the modes of transportation their scouts find as they fan out from the initial site, now swelling in both numbers and activities as they seek to build their foot hold into an operational base from which to 'jump out' from. However these expanding scouts and patrols soon find glowing lights nearby as the sun sets, their discovery being the agricultural settlement of Dorvan Farms.
  • Without full authorization a few company sized groups sweep into a settlement that is slowly bedding down for the night. Circular and built around the end point of a paved road that leads off to the west and the main continental highway (some forty miles distant), it more or less acts as a central point for the various families that founded the place to bring in their crops and process them for shipment out. The proximity of homes is simply the want of a sense of community and aids the attackers as they sweep in from the east. There is some resistance and roughly a quarter of the five thousand inhabitants manage to awaken and either fight back or slip away in their vehicles. None the less most are either caught at the dinner table or in bed.
  • First Battle of Dorvan Farms
    • Deaths: 45 Civilians, 22 Combatants
    • Roughly 3,500 Cascadium civilians captured.
    • Roughly 1,200 Manage to escape town and flee down the highway.
  • With the town taken and the population gathered in various spots for processing before being taken back to the gate looting begins as well as some of the various acts a conquering barely disciplined army is known for, especially forward mercenary scouts acting without direction. Unknown to these troops their actions would doom them in the days to come.

May 21st 2789 A.D. - I-Day+1

Overall Plot Situation

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Battles/Notable Events

IFOR Actions

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CSF/Cascadium Governmental Actions Actions

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Character Situations

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May 23th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+3

  • Battle of Firehill Creek
  • The 2nd Mechanized Battalion of the 1st Mechanized Brigade of the Cascadium Surface Force 2nd Division is wiped out nearly to a man after being cutoff in the battle of Firehill Creek.

May 24th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+4

  • Battle of Higgins
  • Battle of the Highway

May 26th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+6

  • 1st Battle of Camargo

May 27th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+7

  • 2nd Battle of Camargo
  • A battalion of the 9th Infantry Regiment is cutoff while fighting a rear guard action and holds to the last man, most personnel having to be killed in their holes and fighting positions or otherwise incapacitated. It is estimated that they inflicted nearly twenty times their number in casualties.

May 29th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+9

  • Battle of Edith Peak

June 2nd 2789 A.D. - I-Day+12

  • Battle of Jenner's Run

June 3rd 2789 A.D. - I-Day+13

  • Battle of Toomis Rise

June 5th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+15

  • Operation Prairie Fire begins with a division sized general offensive directly on the main axis of the invader's advance. A mixed group of both the standing first division and various adhoc units of the Cascadium's 2nd Division (effectively their reserve), it is the first massed organized counter to the invasion and after seeing the last stands of two battalions the average combat trooper of the CSF is in a murderous mood.

June 6th 2789 A.D. - I-Day+16

  • Operation Blue Hammer begins with the arrival of the 10th Marine Division beginning with two focused dropsites behind hostile lines.
junk_drawer/timeline3.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/20 05:33 by arieg203