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Current Year
2789 A.D.

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Solar Confederacy
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Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


This is an old revision of the document!

CPNF Frigate Squadron

A light ship formation employed by both the Colonial Pact Naval Forces Command and its territorial defensive counterparts, it consists of between four to six Frigate type vessels typically with one carrying a command rank individual. It is primarily used as a sub-unit in larger formations of vessels typically in the fleet peremeter defense role or as a stand alone scouting and patrol group of light tonnage. Due to the frigate type vessel's ability to carry troops and a light complement of strikecraft such units can find themselves as the first responding forces to a crisis point capable of dealing directly with the situation.

Ship Assets

Strikecraft Assets

Transport Assets

colonial_pact/colonial_pact_navy/fleet_units/frigate_squadron.1526380928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/15 10:42 by arieg203