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S700V 'Moojeni' Long Range General Purpose Missile (LRGPM)

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The S700V 'Moojeni' is a general role ship and installation weapon system designed to be employed as a general use munition on board starships. Primarily oriented as either a singular anti-strikecraft or light anti-ship missile in salvos it can also be employed against heavier tonnage vessels. It features a very capable guidance and control system paired with a mix of active and passive sensor systems, additionally when fired in groups it can adopt 'swarm' behavior against designated targets. The first variants of the Moojeni entered fleet service in the year NCC00965 with its latest variants in production and fleet use as of NCC00999.


As seen below the Moojeni is a thick and bulky single stage missile design with three sets of aerodynamic stabilizing fins, the forward and rear most movable for atmospheric flight. It slowly tapers from the rear octagonal propulsion unit to the point of the forward active sensor array. Military use production versions are typically left unpainted, carrying the gunmetal and grey coloration of their casing. These are rarely seen outside of their production sealed loading and handling canisters. Training variants are painted blue and are generally used to teach crews how to run diagnostics on the weapon.

Weapon Statistics and Mission Systems

  • General Information
  • Specifications
    • Weight - 1,420 Kg
    • Length - 5.46 m
    • Diameter (Widest) - 500 mm
    • Range (Vacuum Use) - 26.61 LyM (3.2 AU)
    • Range (Atmospheric Use) - 2,800 Km
    • Speed
      • Atmosphere - Mach 16 (5,488 MPS)
      • Vacuum - 0.5c (149,896 Kilometers per Second)

Structure and Defenses

  • Structure and Armor Composition - The Moojeni is constructed of a Decasteel hull laminated in alternating layers of Cerrosteel/Kylar Polymer laminate primarily intended for thermal protection and endurance against energy weapons. The interior is framed by rings of decasteel with the forward rings forged in a manner which adds them to the fragmentation of the secondary effects warhead sleeve.
  • Shield Composition - The missile's active defensive measure consists of a Colonial Pact Combined Barrier Array which protects the missile (to a point) against direct kinetic and energy attacks as well as protecting the internals via a gravimetric field emitter against exotic waveforms and particles.
  • Electronic Warfare Systems - The Moojeni's dual processors are capable of differentiating against attempts at passive and active jamming via varying their sensor tracking modes as well as 'rejecting' various ECM methods such as chaff and flares. The chance of this happening depends on the situation and the condition of the combat environment. (OOC: The effectiveness of these electronic counter countermeasures are up to the GM employing the weapon, however its ECCM should be factored in.)

Power System and Propulsion

  • Powerplant - The missile's primary powersource is its drive system once active, with primary power being provided by an umbilical linkage. In the event of the missile being used in a stand alone configration it is powered by a set of CCEC type capacitor banks linked to a CFTB Type long lived fission powercell. This system provides just enough power for the drive system to start up.
  • Propulsion - The missile employs a single large LISTM type solid fuel fusion drive system.
  • Steerage - The missile is steered via electromagnetic/mechanical means of ducting the fusion drive's exhaust as well as small plasma bleed ducts placed strategically along the torpedo body to provide more precise maneuvering capability. In the lower atmosphere its aerodynamic surfaces provide some steering at lower velocity.

Guidance and Control Hardware

  • Control System - Two MEWb2-15 Processor Sets]] computer processors provide the combined control system for the missile, with both operating in sequence. One is typically tasked directly on sensor and command interpretation while the other is dedicated to missile system control and navigation. However in the event of damage the missile only needs one processor to survive in order to operate. Data link capacity is provided by two dual mode systems in the form of a laser and radio communications system.
  • Capabilities
    • Adapative Guidance - While capable of direct command guidance from the launching starship, the torpedo is mostly a fire and forget system. With its myriad of sensor options and large processing power it is capable of adapting to the combat space, switching between various sensor feeds, cross referencing them, and combining images in order to determine the best mode to strike its target.
    • Swarm Behavior - When launched in groups of three to four or more the missile system is capable of data linking with the other active munitions to form 'swarms' of cooperative weapons. Effectively turning the group into somewhat of a wolfpack for hunting down and destroying targets, they will use cooperative tactics including limiting their active sensor emissions to one weapon.
    • Active ECM - The missile features an active jamming capacity which can be activated when the missile detects attempts at targeting it, while not as powerful as those found on ships when used in groups such as swarms of missiles it can be quite effective.
  • Guidance Modes
    • Passive Seeker, Radar Homing
    • Fire and Forget Active Launch
    • Passive Seeker Launch, Midpoint Active Seeker
    • Home on Jam/ECM Source
    • Combined Optical Tracking Passive Seeker EM Homing

Sensor Systems


  • Primary Warhead
    • Type - Kinetic
    • Purpose - Anti-Ship, Anti-Installation, and Surface Attack
    • DRv3 Output - Tier 12 Heavy Anti-Star Ship
    • Area of Effect - Point of Impact
  • Secondary Warhead
    • Type - Fusion-type Explosive Propelled Fragmentation Sleeve
    • Purpose - Light Anti-Ship, Area Surface Attack, Anti-Strikecraft
    • DRv3 Output - Tier 9 Heavy Anti-Mecha
    • Area of Effect - Forward oriented directional fragmentation sleeve, with an area of effect up to 200 Km forward of the point of detonation in space.
colonial_pact/armaments/pact_missiles_and_rockets/moonjeni_lrgpm.1523456800.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/11 14:26 by arieg203