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Current Year
2789 A.D.

Setting Information

Sector Map


Notable Technologies




Nations and Entities

Solar Confederacy
United American Starzone
Anglo Confederation
Ruhr Federal Zone

Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


This is an old revision of the document!

The Verse of Arieg - Main Page

Effectively this is a catchment for my various creative urges across writing, artwork, and general world and setting creation. This setting and wiki in general will probably never be finished due to the nature of such things, however for now the ground work is still being laid so pardon the noise and hardhats!

General History and Setting Overview

The setting is effectively a vast area of partially terraformed worlds oriented around an alien created super-fast FTL gate network. The idea being that the race that created the area and made it so habitable died out before their project and possibly new homeland could be completed and thus automated systems finished the job. Humanity in need of a new home moved in (after rendering earth into a radioactive dust ball and blasting most of the habitats in the solar system into radioactive wreckage), squabbled a bit over the best real estate and at some point 'woke up' one of these systems. Of course those colonists that did where never heard from again.

Those batch of unfortunates are of course the source of the setting's space elves, the Ev'chen. A mixture of synthetic DNA and human they are intended to pacify and then uplift the humans residing in the zone the old fashion way via mingling. The sub idea of this being there is a psionic vulnerability that will make them somewhat obedient toward the creator race's constructs and the ancient aliens themselves should any fall out of the woodwork. Of course for the Ev'Chen spreading this gift to the humans is nearly a religious drive.

These hybrids emerge some years after those colonists vanish, equipped with weapons more advanced than humanity's own and manage to take a good chunk of the starzone with its human occupants intact before the combined human powers rally and stop them. This obviously sets the stage for a cold war.

The Great Inter-Solar War


The Sundala Starzone

The Awakening of the Ev'Chen

Another Cold War

Existing Factions

Anglo-American Union of Star Systems

Federation of Progressive Eurasian Colonies

European Colonial Collective of Systems

East-Asian Corporate Alignment

start.1593290039.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/27 20:33 by arieg203