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The Verse of Arieg
(Main Page)

Current Year
2789 A.D.

Anglo-American Union of Systems


Armed Forces

Sphere of Influence

Notable Technologies


This is an old revision of the document!

Military and Security Forces of the Anglo-American Union

Union Strategic Defense Command (USDC)

The interstellar federal forces of the Anglo-American Union of Systems.

Union Federal Navy

  • The primary means of power projection for the AAU inside and outside of the Union.
  • Primary means of transport and support for the UCMC.
  • Primary deterrence against actions from hostile or rival powers

Union Colonial Marine Corps

Union Directorate of Naval Intelligence

Union Interstellar Logistical Command

Founded05.25.2330 A.D.
Military Age21
Active Personnela
Reserve Personnela
Expenditure by Percent of GDPa
Union Federal Navy
Union Colonial Marine Corps
Union Directorate of Naval Intelligence
Union Interstellar Logistical Command

Union Territorial Defense Forces

Intra-System Security Force

Aerospace Combat Group

Surface Force

Territorial Reserve Defense Force

FoundedStructure Standardized on 06.16.2335 A.D.
Military Age17
Active Personnela
Reserve Personnela
Expenditure by Percent of GDPa
Intra-System Security Force
Aerospace Combat Group
Surface Force
Territorial Reserve Defense Force

Law Enforcement and Security Organizations

Union Federal Marshal's Service

Federal Criminal Investigative Directorate

  • Federal investigations and prosecutions primarily against organizations that act beyond one settlement or star system or are even exo-national.

Union Interstellar Police Force

  • Civil Border Security
  • Internal FTL Lane/Gate Anti-Piracy
  • General Federal Low Level Law Enforcement
FoundedStructure Standardized on 06.16.2335 A.D.
Active Personnela
Reserve Personnela
Expenditure by Percent of GDPa
Union Federal Marshal's Service
Federal Criminal Investigative Directorate
Union Interstellar Police Force
nations/anglo_american_union/armed_forces.1592323367.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/16 16:02 by arieg203