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2789 A.D.

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Table of Contents

Kylar Polymer

General Information
Associated/Source Factions Colonial Pact Trade Alliance
Availibility Restricted to Source Faction
Material Information
Type High Performance Cero-Polymer
Tensile Strength Moderate
Hardness Average
Brittleness Low
Toughness High
Ductility Very High
Electrical Conductivity Nil
Transparent Varieties? Yes
Coloration Dark Grey

One of the most common materials in the Colonial Pact, Kylar is a nano-engineered material mixing the flexible and lightweight characteristics of plastics with the endurance to thermal and kinetic forces of ceramics. While not as capable as dedicated armor materials; Kylar trades their specialization for the ability to be used in a variety of ways due to its lower density and weight as well as ease of shaping and manufacture. Often it is employed to form composites with other Colonial Pact materials to either act as a supporting matrix or a framework to mount harder and denser but more brittle heavy armor or structural works.

Kylar under load will deform and bend before suffering a catastrophic break and often if it isn't pushed beyond its limits will reform back into its original shape configuration as the load decreases. It is widely manufactured throughout the Colonial Pact in both small and industrial scale amounts with the singular copyright on the material having expired centuries ago.

materials/kylar.1518504225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/13 06:43 by arieg203