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Current Year
2789 A.D.

Setting Information

Sector Map


Notable Technologies




Nations and Entities

Solar Confederacy
United American Starzone
Anglo Confederation
Ruhr Federal Zone

Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


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Table of Contents


General Information
Associated/Source Factions Colonial Pact Trade Alliance
Availibility Restricted to Source Faction
Material Information
Type Meta-Stable Room Temperature Hyperconductor
Tensile Strength Moderate
Hardness Moderate
Brittleness Moderate
Toughness Average
Ductility High
Transparent Varieties? No
Coloration Dark Burnish Red

An exotic room temperature hyperconductive material, Callenite and its associated ores, salts, and alloys are the lifeblood of the Valmet colonies and the Colonial Pact as a whole. Without it and its exotic properties a variety of technologies from quantum computers to faster then light travel would either be far more expensive undertakings or outright fantasies. Putting aside the harnessing of its more exotic characteristics (which allow for economic FTL devices and quantum computers) its extreme conductivity has allowed for the very easy miniaturization of a variety of technologies both in the military and civilian sector, this allows it to out strip various other options for hard power or data transmission mediums in all but the price of using Callenite alloys.

While the total process for its formation is still a mystery it is known that the ore can only form if the protoplasmic disk of a infant star is within the influence of a spacial anomaly, specifically the kind which the Pact employ for long range faster then light travel. It is assumed that the distortions in the very fabric of the universe effect the material of the disk, 'tweaking' the basic elementary fabric of the matter into something that shouldn't be able to exist within the normal laws that govern our universe. These properties along with its unusual and rare requirements for formation make it both a vital and a rare commodity for the Colonial Pact. In the case of the Valmet Colonial Region, its per kilogram price justifying the effort the colony's founding corporation put into creating the operation that gave birth to the settlement. As of 989 N.C.C. its extraction, refinement, and export is still the primary economic focus of the inner and outer colonies.

materials/callenite.1518503472.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/13 06:31 by arieg203