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Current Year
2789 A.D.

Setting Information

Sector Map


Notable Technologies




Nations and Entities

Solar Confederacy
United American Starzone
Anglo Confederation
Ruhr Federal Zone

Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


This is an old revision of the document!

List of Anglo-American Union Surface Vehicles
(Small Arms) - (Strikecraft and Transports) - (Starships)
Wheeled Vehicles
TW606-A7 'Jackrabbit' Modular 4×4 Combat Vehicle PlatformGeneral Utility Variant O Armed Transport O ATGM Launcher/Carrier O Tactical SHORAD Variant O Battlefield Sensor/Scout/Fire Director Platform
ACW625-A4 'Luna' Modular 6×6 Armored Vehicle PlatformO
TW605-A10 'Mule' Modular 8×8 Transportation SystemO
ACW652-A3 'Puma' Modular 8×8 Armored Combat VehicleO
Tracked Vehicles
ACTH-705 'Norman' Heavy Armored Fighting VehicleO
ACTM-690 'Leeds' Medium Armored Fighting VehicleO
ACTL-688 'Gecko' Light Armored Fighting VehicleO
TCTU-609 'Shepherd' Tracked Utility ChassisO

TW - Truck/Wheeled
ACW - Armored Chassis Wheeled
ACTH- Armored Chassis Tracked Heavy

guidebox/anglo_american_union/surface_vehicles.1589483644.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/14 19:14 by arieg203