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2789 A.D.

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Rostok-class Project K588 Guided Missile Frigate

About the Rostok Class

General information and specifications of the Fromm class.

Key Features

  • Large Ordinance Capacity
  • Modular Mission Bay
  • Modular Hanger Bay
  • Troop Drop and Embarkation Capability

Mission Specialization

  • Fleet Escort
  • Squadron Operations
  • Solitary Patrol/Roaming Operations

Emergency Systems

  • Pact Standard Distress Buoy
    3x Units
  • Pact Standard Lifepod
    (4x Person Capacity Each)
    50x Units
  • Pact Standard Lifeboat
    (20x Person Capacity)
    8x Units


  • Class: Project K-588-842 Rostok-class
  • Designer and Manufacturer: Oppon Shipyards and Metalworks
  • Production: Active as of 00842 N.C.C.
  • Fielded by: Colonial Pact Navy, Territorial Defense Forces, and various private interests.
  • Introduced: 00851 N.C.C.


  • Crew: 85
  • Aircrew: 25
  • Ground Forces/Ship Security Detachment: 50
  • Total Standard Crew: 160
  • Minimum Crew for Operations: 12
  • Maximum Capacity: 550 with proper life support configurations.


  • Length: 226.8 m (744.09 ft)
  • Width: 76.8 m (251.96 ft)
  • Height: 53.2 m (174.54 ft)
  • Decks/Sections: 3

Performance and Range

  • Hyperspace Fold Drive: 0.3 LyM
  • Sublight Engines: 0.490c
  • Range:
    • Effective range is about four months without resupply.
    • Practical range depends upon supplies on hand.
  • Lifespan: 30 Years before deep yard overhaul is required but could be pushed back up to 40-45 years during war or emergency situations.
  • Refit Cycle: Continuous for low level maintenance with a normal yard rework every five years.
colonial_pact/rostok-class_project_k588_guided_missile_frigate.1522953543.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/05 18:39 by arieg203