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2789 A.D.

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Gleb Class Project P201 Guided Missile Corvette

See here for related articles.
Another product of the 00840 Armaments Standardization Plan, the Gleb Class Corvette was designed as a universal light vessel for either fleet action or solitary patrol. Unlike most vessels of its size class its primary armament consists of missile and torpedo systems with a single spinal energy weapon and four point defense systems being its only non-missile ordinance. This combined with its lighter armor profile and high output engines makes it a popular choice as a reconnaissance platform, star system patrol vessel, and as a platform for special forces. However due to its rather small size its hanger capability is very limited, the main trade off being the dramatic reduced crew compared to large vessels.

colonial_pact/gleb_class_project_p201_guided_missile_corvette.1523564183.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/12 20:16 by arieg203