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2789 A.D.

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Missile, Rocket, and Launcher Systems of the Colonial Pact

The following articles cover the various man portable rocket and missile munitions employed by the Colonial Pact Trade Alliance.

Man-Portable and Light Missile Systems

V100N 'Voz' Micro Missile

Type - Micro-Missile
Usage - Anti-Infantry, Light Anti-Vehicle

V120PR 'Molok' Lightweight Attack Missile (LAM)

Type - Light Missile
Usage - Anti-Infantry, Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Material

AT-102MU 'Gabon' Anti-Tank Missile

Type - Shoulder Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile
Usage - Anti-Infantry, Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Material

S-400UM 'Bothrop' Man-Portable Anti-Aircraft Missile

Type - Shoulder Launched Man-Portable Anti-Aircraft Missile
Usage - Anti-Aircraft

Vehicle and Ship Launched Missile Systems

AT-500LM 'Strela' Multi-Purpose Missile

Type - Canisterized Anti-Tank or Air to Ground Missile
Usage - Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Material

S-850TU 'Atrop' Short Range Surface/Air to Air Missile (SRSAAM)

Type - Air and Space Anti-Fighter and Light Anti-Ship Missile
Usage - Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Material

S-500KM 'Asper' Medium Range Surface/Air to Air Missile (MRSAAM)

Type - Air and Space Anti-Fighter and Light Anti-Ship Missile
Usage - Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Material

S-1000U 'Naja' Long Range Surface/Air to Air Missile (LRSAAM)

Type - Air and Space Anti-Fighter and Standard Anti-Ship Missile
Usage - Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Material

S700V 'Moojeni' Long Range General Purpose Missile (LRGPM)

Type - Standard Anti-Ship Missile, Heavy Anti-Aircraft Missile, Light Anti-Installation and Surface Attack
Usage - Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Material

P-1000UMK 'Starburn' Long Range Attack Missile (LRAM)

Type - Heavy Anti-Ship Missile
Usage - Anti-Ship, Anti-Installation, Surface Attack

Sn90VN 'Starfish-1' Advanced Heavyweight Anti-Ship Torpedo (A-HAST)

Type - Heavy Anti-Ship Torpedo
Usage - Anti-Ship, Anti-Installation, Surface Attack

colonial_pact/armaments/pact_missiles_and_rockets.1520788049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/11 17:07 by arieg203