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Sn90VN 'Starfish-1' Advanced Heavyweight Anti-Ship Torpedo (A-HAST)

The primary dedicated heavy anti-ship and anti-installation munition of the Colonial Pact, the Starfish-1 Advanced Heavyweight Anti-Ship Torpedo is a mixed guidance fire and forget capable munition primarily used on combat vessels. It was designed and manufactured by Kaar General Resources starting in NCC00969 and its latest variants where still in service in NCC00999 with Colonial Pact military and civil forces.

About the Starfish-1 Torpedo

Designed as a very long range anti-ship and anti-installation weapon, the Starfish-1 is a massive construct roughly the size of an ICBM. Slower then missiles of comparable range, it trades speed for a much larger warhead capability packaged in a very tough and capable delivery system. Combing a vehicle grade shield system, heavy armor, and a well rounded electronic warfare system for confusing attempts at intercepting it. Guiding the monstrosity is a fighter grade radar system with a range of passive sensors to increase its overall capabilities. However due to its size as well as its cost it is typically restricted to shipboard use as well as installation defensive mounts, typically in three shot rotary fed torpedo tubes.


As seen below the Starfish-1 AHAST is a cylindrical object like most weapon systems in its class with the rearward propulsion system separated by an obvious mid-body ridge. The warhead, electronics, and other sensitive systems are forward mounted ahead of this ridge. At the back are four aerodynamic stabilization fins and the 'cap' which is blown free when the torpedo's drive system is ignited.

Weapon Statistics and Mission Systems

  • General Information
  • Specifications
    • Weight - 23,500 Kg
    • Length - 26.58 m
    • Diameter (Widest) - 2400 mm
    • Range (Vacuum Use) - 100 AU
    • Range (Atmospheric Use) - 12,000 Km
    • Speed
      • Atmosphere (One Standard Atmosphere at sea level) - Mach 10 (3.43 KpS)
      • Vacuum - 0.4c
  • Defenses
  • Combined Sensor Performance
    • Atmosphere (High Definition) - 4500 Km (Active) 2000 Km (Passive)
    • Atmosphere (Maximum) - 5500 Km (Active) 3500 Km (Passive)
    • Vacuum (High Definition) - 60 AU (Active) 40 AU (Passive)
    • Vacuum (Maximum) - 100 AU (Active) 60 AU (Passive)
    • NOTE: Atmospheric ranges only apply below 7,000 meters on worlds with a standard earth type density and gas mixture.

Structure and Defenses

  • Structure and Armor Composition - The Starfish-1 is constructed of a Cerrosteel hull laminated in alternating layers of Kylar Polymer and Decasteel alloy primarily to give the torpedo a rather tough and robust hull. The interior is framed with rings of Decasteel with heavy thermal shielding on the interior to protect the interior of the weapon.
  • Shield Composition - The torpedo employs a vehicle grade colonial_pact_combined_field_array for both direct active protection against all manner of attacks against the torpedo and as a passive secondary protection against exotic energy waveforms that may cause issues with the torpedo's internal workings and electronics.
  • Electronic Warfare Systems - The Starfish-1 employs a vehicle grade CMAJ-type active jamming system.

Power System and Propulsion

  • Powerplant - The torpedo employs four CSFFC type solid fusion fuel power plants paired with a set of CCEC type capacitor banks.
  • Propulsion - The torpedo employs a single very large LISTM type solid fuel fusion drive system.
  • Steerage - The torpedo is steered via electromagnetic/mechanical means of ducting the fusion drive's exhaust as well as small plasma bleed ducts placed strategically along the torpedo body to provide more precise maneuvering capability.

Guidance and Control Information

  • Control System - Four enq-778v_series_6_compact_carbon-60_quantum_computing_system provide the combined control system for the torpedo, with all four operating in sequence. However the torpedo only requires two to operate at full capacity and one to operate at basic capacity. Data link capacity is provided by two dual mode systems in the form of a laser and radio communications system.
  • Capabilities
    • Adapative Guidance - While capable of direct command guidance from the launching starship, the torpedo is mostly a fire and forget system. With its myriad of sensor options and large processing power it is capable of adapting to the combat space, switching between various sensor feeds, cross referencing them, and combining images in order to determine the best mode to strike its target.
    • Swarm Behavior - When launched in groups of three to four or more the torpedo system is capable of data linking with the other active munitions to form 'swarms' of cooperative weapons. Effectively turning the group into somewhat of a wolfpack for hunting down and destroying targets, they will use cooperative tactics including limiting their active sensor emissions to one weapon.
    • Active ECM - The torpedo features an active jamming capacity which can be activated when the torpedo detects attempts at targeting it, while not as powerful as those found on ships when used in groups such as swarms of torpedoes it can be quite effective.
  • Guidance Modes
    • Passive Seeker, Radar Homing
    • Fire and Forget Active Launch
    • Passive Seeker Launch, Midpoint Active Seeker
    • Home on Jam/ECM Source
    • Combined Optical Tracking Passive Seeker EM Homing

Sensor Systems


  • Primary Warhead
    • Type - Kinetic
    • Purpose - Anti-Ship, Anti-Installation, and Surface Attack
    • DRv3 Output - Tier 15 Heavy Anti-Capital Ship
    • Area of Effect - Point of Impact
  • Secondary Warhead
    • Type - Antimatter Boosted Fusion Warhead
    • Purpose - Anti-Ship, Anti-Installation, and Surface Attack
    • DRv3 Output - Tier 14 Medium Anti-Capital Ship
    • Area of Effect - Forward oriented directional 25 degree cone, Tier 14 damage effects up to 3,000 Km forward.
colonial_pact/armaments/pact_missiles_and_rockets/starfish_1_torp.1519815624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/28 11:00 by arieg203