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This is an old revision of the document!

ENQ-901 Series 7 Single Carbon-60 Quantum Computing Mainframe (SC-60/QCM)

A combined modular data processing system with the capability to support an artificial intelligence matrix, the ENQ-901 and its variants are manufactured by Kaar General Resources and became the standard primary computer system for civil and military applications on board starships in 948 N.C.C. Composed of three major components it is constructed to either run stand alone, often on smaller vessels, or in series with other 901 quantum processors for use on larger vessels or ever major installations to handle the day to day tasks of shipboard operations.

Its first major component is the processor assembly itself, modular in its own right to allow for easy replacement it sits in the middle of the mainframe assembly below the liquid helium heat exchanger and above its power source and network linkage architecture. The latter fully capable of establishing an air gap disconnect in the event of network security being compromised. Additionally the entire assembly is surrounded by a scalar and electromagnetic hardened shell, allowing it to operate even if the ships defenses against such man made and natural phenomena are breached.

colonial_pact/technologies/computer_standards/enq_901_qcm.1519204975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/21 09:22 by