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BZM-89 (CMPC) Common Micro Power Cell

Related articles can be found, here.

A green cylinder that can fit in the palm of one's hand, the BZM-89 CPC is a rechargable CCEC type battery pack that is the standardized power cell of the Colonial Pact across a wide variety of applications. Effectively those devices that do not employ their own on board conformal power packs utilize this device. Long lived (the life of the device determined by the power usage naturally) and relatively safe in a wide spectrum of environments include vacuum, it is a common item found among the military especially in weapon systems and support devices. While its form has some variants in both length and size the connector is standardized to allow for a common infrastructure both for its use and for its recharging.

colonial_pact/technologies/bzm-89_cmpc_common_micro_power_cell.1519205742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/21 09:35 by