Table of Contents

Eideon/CONFED Conflict Story Short and Sweet

Sundala/CONFED Side

Cascadium/Cascadium Security Forces

Cascadium and its Security Forces

Language: English

Leadership/Significant Organizations

  • Civilian Leadership
    • Planetary Executive: President Willa Vescoe
      Popularly elected executive leader serving a four year term, more of an economically minded leader looking to capitalize on corporate interests in various surface mineral deposits to expand her world's infrastructure base and gradually move away from agriculture. She is less popular outside of population centers.
    • Planetary Congress
      Effectively the US congress with a senate and a house of representatives.


  • Cascadium Surface Force (CSF)
    The main planetary surface force (hence its name), it is primarily made up of self contained combined force formations that employ armored and mechanized forces with attached organic air and VTOL assets. There are various 'leg' and light mechanized formations for both specialized organic attachments and as installation security for the organization's various surface complexes. They are a professional full time volunteer army made up of both local residents who use it as a career and offworld individuals with a military or security past seeking the various incentives to join once they've settled on the colony world. The CSF is intended to be the primary surface combat force but in certain situations it can interface with the CTRDF to both replace losses or bring a larger force to bare on a hostile invading group.
  • Cascadium Aerospace Combat Group (CACG)
    An aerospace and orbital defense branch of the armed forces, they operate from a handful of complexes spread across the surface. They control most of the significant surface to orbit defensive systems including lasers, surface to orbit missiles, and railgun systems. Additionally they operate several squadrons of surface to orbit interceptors that can also be employed in air dominance or air to surface actions.
  • Cascadium Territorial Reserve Defense Force (CTRDF)
    The 'citizen soldier' reserve of Cascadium mostly composed of young (17 to 22 year old) conscripts and semi-paid older reservists. It is intended to provide both additional manpower to the main surface defense force as well as a readily available local combat force to rapidly address threats which may land on far flung portions of the planet. It is made up of various leg and motorized infantry, mechanized, and aviation formations.
  • Cascadium Intra-System Security Forces (CISSF)
    The 'on orbit' service of Cascadium that serves as the colony's space security forces. They operate a handful of security cutters, several squadrons of light attack craft, and a company's worth of specialist troops intended for low-grav or zero grav combat operations or orbit to surface assaults.


  • The capital is the coastal settlement of Arns City with a population of 652,000, it hosts an orbital tether tied to the main orbital port of the planet. It also features road and rail links with most of the other terrestrial settlements.
  • Cascadium is a frontier colony world with a population of around ten million mostly settled around the starport/orbital lift cities with development and infrastructure expanding around these sites.
  • As stated above the planet is a frontier world who's primary output is agricultural goods, however recent years and mineral discoveries have led to a growing and healthy industry in various processed metallic ores.
  • There were three waves of settlement,
    • The first wave mostly composed of those oriented on self sufficient agricultural pursuits and whom settled haphazardly before the initial main cities were sited and built as a result they tend to be the most rural. (Conservatives?)
    • The second wave, mostly consisting of those looking to establish manufacturing and or the support infrastructure of gradual colony growth (and or get in the ground floor of) arrived roughly fifty years after and more than doubled the population in a decade. These are mostly responsible for the rapid growth of the planet's three main population centers. (City/Suburb folks)
    • The third and or on going wave, this consists of corporate or corporate hired individuals seeking to exploit the resource wealth of the planet, especially a particular mineral required for the manufacture of gates and FTL drives. Unlike the first two waves these are primarily not seeking to do long term settlement and often clash with those of the first wave over land use.

Shorthand Gist and or the So Far

United American Starzone Colonial Marine Corps (UASCMC)

Eideon/Semi-Fantasy Side

Kingdom of Gallipor

Kingdom of Gallipor

Language: Turkish Status Toward BLUFOR: Belligerent

Leadership/Significant Organizations

  • Strongman/Ghaddafi Type in overall leadership position, effectively dictator for life… or until he is replaced.
  • A junta of leading generals, some simply lucky enough not to be purged post revolution and those that participated are its primary makeup.
  • Some clans/leading families still maintain their power bases and holdings, mostly those with connections to the current ruling group or simply those that are neutral in the various politics that fly back and forth in Gallipor.


  • Air Forces
    • Gali Air Corps
      The Gali air forces are all under one general command and operate a variety of craft from fixed wing monoplanes of recent manufacture (from just before to after WWII in technology) to various refurbished ancient craft or merely shells built around ancient tech. Most of their heavier than air large scale airships are of the latter sort.
    • Gali Jump Corps
      An offshoot of the above that serves as a sort of one part 'air' marine corps and one part airborne shock troops mostly for use in conjunction with their airships. Well trained but lightly equipped, they are mostly employed for rapid assaults important strategic points.
  • Land Forces
    • Gali Ground Corps
      They feature a rather large but stretched (operating in various theaters across half the continent) ground force, a third of which is mechanized in some aspect. Additionally most of the remaining two-thirds of their force is made up of conscripts. Like most they have both recently manufactured weapons and vehicles as well as a small percentage of artifact weapons and platforms.
  • Naval Forces
    • Gali Navy


  • Effectively intended to be an 80s to 90s Iraq (societal/army setup wise), a large army, a blundering leadership, and generally a puppet of someone.
  • They are initially the primary antagonist both by weight of numbers and being among the first military forces through the gate as well as making up the bulk of those that eventually venture to the otherside.

Shorthand Gist and or the So Far

  • In the last twenty or so years the old hegemony has been overthrown by a junta of generals under a single strongman, while this group didn't outright destroy the old system of various industrial 'kingdoms' they effectively have them under their thumb.
  • While starting with grand plans to raise the Gali nation to a position of supremacy in the continent's south it has seen nothing but loss or worse.. stalemate in various conflicts with its neighbors mostly toward the goal of taking control of a bluewater port.
  • The most 'successful' campaign involved the conquest of their neighboring nation to the northwest, the Lebian Barony and while it fell short of reaching the coast and their goal they managed to obtain a vast swath of territory… filled by an angry and uncooperative population.
  • The gate and its discovery is seen as a salvation and a grant by the gods to give the Gali's a final chance at greatness, this mentality is fanned by a third party fanning the flames in the strong man's mind.
  • Eventually the above campaign is a failure and overall their armed forces suffer losses from both pouring resources into the unknown (and losing most of them) as well as seeing a general mass uprising in the occupied Lebian territories surrounding the gate artifact. With its loss to the forces from beyond the gate and the havoc they're causing on the Eideon side the Gali military is in a general state of retreat or is cut off and surrounded. Additionally in the east the Dumauri, seeing weakness, have begun incursions seeking to take population and territory straining the Gali forces between the three foes as the Lebian rump throws it's hat in with the newly arrived otherworlders.

Lebian Barony

Language: Hungarian Status Toward BLUFOR: Aligned Interests


  • Intended to be a sort of Poland, reeling and weakened from a previous conflict with the setting's main bogeymen (the elves) and then invaded and partially occupied for 'repriations' by the Gali.
  • Ruled by a singular royal family with a collection of territories controlled by lords.

Shorthand Gist and or the So Far

Rothian Imperial Realm

Language: Gaelic Status Toward BLUFOR: Semi-Belligerent, Multiple Involved Parties

Secondary Eideon Entities and Factions

Dumauri Dominion

Language: Mongolian Status Toward BLUFOR: Neutral


  • Created by the Elves/Eternals as part of a second program to create more hardy and tougher soldiers for the on going war with humanity. While their previous brethren, the Koffek, have proven effective they are no regular foot soldier.
  • The lagomorph features may have been a choice for capability, aesthetics, or both, but the knowledge is more or less lost to time…. at least on the human side.
  • What would become the Dumauri was a grand army that was deployed by the elves in their last offensive of the ancient war. An assault and landing on the southern shore of the continent with a massed offensive moving up through the central southern valley of Eideon. It was here were the Dominions ancestors witnessed the end of the previous world and would be forced to go to ground after their elven masters abandoned them to their fate.

Societal Structure

Eathian Reach

General Meta-Plot Direction

War on Cascadium

Counter Attack