Table of Contents

Planet Eideon

General Information

Orbital Data

Radius 0.399
Astronomical Units
Inclination 2.02 Degrees
Planetary Rotation 28.7 Standard Hours
Axial Tilt 0.792 Degrees

Planetary Properties

Equatorial Radius 7,277 Km
Density 0.88 (Earths)
Mass (Earths) 1.306
Surface Gravity 1.004 G
Escape Velocity 11.96 km/s
Mean Surface Temperature 17.85 C
Atmospheric Pressure 1.09 sa
Atmospheric Gas Composition
N2 72.1%, O2 26.25%, Ar 0.63%, CO2 0.19%

Surface Maps


Natural Map

Elevation Map



Spheres of Influence