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Colonial Pact Common Antimatter Power Cell (CAPC)

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A dangerous but necessary tool, the Common Antimatter Power Cell or CAPC is a standardized scalable power capacitor which can vary in size from a common battery to a small truck. These systems are two part, with one slowly generating anti-matter particles and the other containing them. The role of this device is to serve as an emergency power dump, effectively providing a mass boost to available power all at once via the reaction of matter and antimatter. It is however not a power generation system, it merely stores additional energy when connected to a power source. In the event it is disconnected the device will begin cannibalizing its store antimatter in order to maintain containment. Due to the volatile nature of the device it is heavily shielded and when mounted on a platform it should be positioned for easy jettison in the event of a problem.

Availability and Sales

'CAPC' type systems are primarily used on Colonial Pact Trade Alliance military, civil security, and commercial vessels and platforms. However power systems of this type are often provided to client states or trusted private interests.