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Colonial Pact Common Faster-Than-Light Drive (CFTLD)

Related articles can be found, here.

There are three primary methods of faster then light travel employed by the Colonial Pact Trade Alliance, each has its own specific strengths and primary uses as well as ranges. They are listed below and are typically a 'packaged' deal being used as a primary package of systems on whatever platform mounts them.

Interplanetary Warp Drive

A 'phasing' type drive that shunts the ship into its own pocket sub-dimension where faster then light travel is possible, it is the slowest form of FTL and has a far lower error percentage when rejoining normal space inside star systems when compared with Fold methods of FTL. As a result it is typically used once one enters the nullzone of a major gravity well such as those found around star systems or major stellar bodies.

Interstellar Fold-Jump Drive

Intersystem Stellar Gate Assembly and Interface System