====== OAP 92N78 15cm Semi-Automatic Rail Cannon ====== |**Effective Range**\\ -\\ 6,500 Km| |**Rate of Fire**\\ -\\ 47 RPM| |**Average Output**\\ -\\ 12.5 GJ (3 Tonnes of TNT) Per Standard Discharge| |**Role**\\ -\\ Shipboard Secondary Batteries, Anti-ship/Anti-Installation/Point Defense| |**Projectile/Bolt Description**\\ -\\ A 150 mm diameter projectile with a mixed loading option, typically systems are setup to fire either armor piercing solid shot, proximity burst high explosive fragmentation, or contact fused high explosive. While less powerful than dedicated ship batteries these systems are quite effective against lighter craft, anti-ship munitions, and sensitive systems on the surface of a ship's hull.|