[[fic:world_of_eideon|The World of Eideon]]\\ **Current Year\\ //875th Imperial Year//\\ ( 1105th Year Since the Inferno )**\\ 2789 A.D. Timeline **Pre-War**\\ (Pre 1684 A.D.)\\ \\ Birth of the World, Gods, the Creation of the Elves\\ --\\ Humanity Abducted/Reborn onto Eideon?\\ --\\ Rebellion and the Founding of a Second Master of the World\\ (Humanity rebels and takes over a section of the planets continent)\\ --\\ The Long Vigil/Cold War between Elven kind and Humanity\\ --\\ Beginning of the Century War\\ (1584 A.D.)\\ --\\ The Koffek are Created\\ (1600 A.D.) \\ --\\ The Dumauri are Created\\ (1615 A.D.) \\ --\\ The project that will give birth to the Uunbal is begun deep underneath the central mountains.\\ (1680 A.D.) \\ --\\ Humanity launches a massive campaign to push the elves off the mainland.\\ (1682 A.D.) \\ --\\ The Elves launch a spoiling offensive landing forces on the flanks of humankind's thrust.\\ (1683 A.D.) \\ --\\ The Elves launch a spoiling offensive landing forces on the flanks of humankind's thrust. (Inchon?)\\ (1683 A.D.) \\ --\\ A miscommunication leads to an elven force using banned magical weapons of mass destruction, the human forces respond in kind in a chain off escalation that leads to the One Day War which will later be known as the Inferno.\\ (1684 A.D.) \\ --\\ By this point the planet has suffered an artificially induced extinction level event, everything from conventional nuclear weapons, magically enhanced devices, and purely fantastical items have been expended on most targets. Roughly ninety percent of the population has been killed and the number of survivors will fall by another two thirds as a nuclear winter sets in adding further misery on top of the exotic fallout and utter collapse of the environment. **The Dead Centuries**\\ (Post 1684 to Roughly 1920 A.D.)\\ \\ The period of time directly after the war in which the survivors, both in prepared bunkers and simply those lucky enough not to be caught in a primary blast zone or the in the path of more exotic weapons, found themselves trying to continue to exist in the blackened ash covered remains of their world. Most groups slowly succumbed to the cold brought on by the darkened skies, to exotic diseases unleashed during the war, and to simple starvation as their supplies ran out. Others either through luck or preparation carried on and continued to cling to life as the world slowly inched back toward some form of normalcy.\\ --\\ **The Rise**\\ (Roughly Between 180 to 250 Years After the War)\\ \\ It took nearly two centuries for the worst of the planet's wounds to heal, for the dark grey skies to rain out, for the hostile environment to warm and the remains of humankind's most potent weapons to fade enough for life to begin again. Humanity and the Dumauri would be the first to emerge from deep bunkers or from isolated settlements that had weathered the insane climate of the post war world. \\ --\\ **Empires Reborn**\\ (Roughly Between 250 to 350 Years After the War)\\ \\ Old and new powers arise from the ashes of the old world. \\ --\\ The City of Roth is founded by an emergent kingdom of humans in the core of the continent's largest river valley and the center of a long dead city of old, from this the seed is planted that will gradually grow into the 'modern' power of the Rothian Imperial Realm. Arguably the closest thing to the human federation of centuries ago.\\ --\\ The Eternal island fortress of old rises from the lake that was once the core of their civilization, on it are those that survived the war and hid for two centuries while the planet recovered. With a cache of old world weapons they set about the decades long task of taming their former domain from tribes of roaming Dumauri, human survivors that have crossed the sea, and elves no longer pure of blood.\\ --\\