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fic:the_fic [2019/02/23 07:20]
arieg203 [Introducing 67th STIR Team, Witch-2 Biped Tank Team, and the Gleese Ranch (Alert Status Achieved)]
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-====== Fic ====== 
-Cascadia was one of the younger colonies in the Anglo-American Union of Star Systems, located two jumps away from from one of the main intra-system jump gates it had avoided being a objective in nearly every war to involve the AAU both against fellow humanity and the century old emerged Ev'​Chen. Linked to the rest of the Union by slower manufactured jump gates it serves as somewhat of a secondary '​back'​ route toward the inner AAU star systems, stopped at by those seeking cheaper passage as well as a chance to trade for the various local manufactured goods and agricultural products the outer colonies where known for.  
-Two habitable worlds exist here; Albeck, an alpine world with a cooler than Sol norm climate being the second to be settled and only moderately developed with its largest focus on agriculture as well as continuing to grow its population, which as of its last census was less than a hundred thousand. ​ 
-The other is a more tropical world and the first to be settled. Known as Oshima, it is an example of a world slowly growing beyond its original colonial roots slowly tipping over into a more urbanized and industrious world. This steady planned expansion and growth is centered on a city that bares the planet'​s name, home to nearly a million souls with ancestry and ethnicity from both the west coast of the former US territories and regions of East Asia. From above its building plan is clearly circular, building outward from a bay with a vast orbital elevator and space port complex. Glistening steel, glass, and advanced structures jut up from the coastline and gradually lower the farther one gets from the core of the city. A peaceful bustling center that had yet to experience war either by luck or simply being out of the way, the hour glass of fate on that particular string however had just run out.  
-==== POV Patrolman Robert Yulles - Oshima City Civil Security Forces - District 39 '​Ginza'​ ==== 
-It was another hot broiling day with heat waves already starting to dance on the blacktop of the asphalt that made up most of the district'​s roadways. The sun glittered on the upper stories of the moderately high buildings as it rose in the east, orange light dancing down to the lower floors that terminated at their bases in a variety of shopfronts or merely the entrance ways to larger vertical shopping centers. Ginza was mostly a commercial district located between a high rise residential area closer toward the bay and one of the main rapid transit entry points of the city used by the agricultural interests that blanketed the land toward the north, west, and south. As a result shopping for both goods and fresh food stuffs was common place despite the heat. All around the district individuals and families where already starting their days trek around the district, it was the start of the weekend and for those on a conventional work week it meant time to relax or restock. ​ 
-Of course this was no comfort to a sole figure leaning against the front of his grey and blue painted street patrol vehicle, staring with envy into the window of a food shop as the older figure inside got their order. His name was Robert Yulles, eleventh son of a colonial native and a newly minted patrolman of the Oshima City Civil Security Forces. At just over six feet he was taller than average for the planet'​s population, his features where a mixture of Eurasian genetics resulting in dark brown hair and a slightly tanned complexion. ​ 
-He wore the standard uniform of the Oshima City Security Force, effectively their police department. More or less a zip up grey coverall with padded elbow and knee points, his sleeves where rolled up to his biceps. His gear vest covered most of his chest with a quasi kinetic protective vest and various utility pockets that held everything he needed for the job. His gun belt held a full size caseless combat pistol, prisoner zip ties, non-lethal options, and spare magazines for all.  
-Patience by now had started to run thin as the steady flow of sweat from his brow mixed with the wet feeling slowly radiating from his armpits, it never took to long to stain a uniform this time of year. At least thats what the man finally handing over a wad of bills inside had said. The younger man's fingers drummed against the hood as the door finally opened. ​ 
-The man that walked out carried many of the same features, the chin line, the eye shape, though the color had come from his mother. Though he was older looking, appearing to be in his thirties with the ever slight touch of age starting in his face and body. What would be odd to someone from a few centuries earlier would be that he was actually in his mid eighties. ​ 
-He was the patrolman'​s father and the head of the local security bureau and had pulled quite a few strings to get him assigned to a district under his perview as well as get to ride along on his first day. He smirked at his son and held up the over sized brown paper bag in his left hand while cradling a pair of take out drinks in the other. ​ 
-"Best deli-shop on this side of the main transit!"​ He said jovially as he walked past his sulking offspring and to the drivers side.  
-The younger of the two rolled his eyes and pushed off the front of the patrol car, moving toward the passenger side.  
-"Could have left the car running, heats murder today."​ Robert'​s voice was lower, thankful to feel the air conditioning start up as he settled into the seat and the older of the two turned the keys awakening the electric drive with a whine. 
-Yulles the older shook his head, "The cells on these old Y-21s don't like sitting still in the heat, besides its not like it'll kill you." He joked back, already pulling the car away from the curb. Smiling at the memories of his first time out on patrol, glancing over at his youngest out of his '​second set' of children. ​ 
-It was common with both the longer lifespan and general expectations of colonization to produce multiple groups of offsrping, some just carried on until the normal human issues of aging took back over in their 140s to 160s. Others would have a few wait until all had 'left the nest' and then start again. John Yulles the older and his wife Margeret where the latter. 
-"So why'd you pick this old bucket anyways?"​ Robert asked, fingering a hole in some of the fabric of the seat.  
-John smirked, "​Builds character! And this is probably what your going to get stuck with for your first year, new guy and all." He said as his hand rummaged in the bag for one of the sandwiches. Finally turning his gaze from the road for a moment. ​ 
-The scream next to him shot his gaze back to the road as the rapidly approaching rear of a cargo truck sent his booted foot into the brake, the car sliding to the stop in front of a snarl of traffic. Father and son looked at each other before climbing out of the vehicle. Ahead of them for at least two hundred feet the road was grid locked, past it inside one of the main intersections was a structure. Rectangular and rising up at least five stories and nearly as wide, its construction looked like stone blocks, weathered, old with a massive empty section at its center. A dark shadowy center section that seemed to stretch on into a void. Both men looked at eachother and started to move forward. 
-"​Robert call it in." John said as he started yelling at people to stay in their vehicles and for various patrons of the shops on either side to get back inside as they pair of officers advanced. He heard the outgoing COM call a moment later mixing in with a chorus of identical ones, of course some had ignored them, civilians in throngs or individuals moving up to look at the odd object. By the time they reached the front of the crowd faint shapes inside of the object where moving out of it, human-like shapes. ​ 
-They could do little but watch dumbfounded as the first '​creature'​ stepped from the shadows, green skinned and wearing a mixture of medieval clothing and what looked like mail armor. He wore a sword on his hip, a small shield, and held a bow in one hand, yellow eyes stared out at the crowd as more emerged from behind him.  
-"This is a joke right?"​ Robert said staring at the thing, "First day joke right?"​ This time he shook his head, trying to banish the image of.... goblins? Orcs?  
-Next to him, his hand undoing the clasp on his holster staring almost as widely as his son John gave a simple shake of the head.  
-Both men's headsets where squawking, the calm morning routine service radio traffic having gone into hyperdrive. Units where responding, already a police VTOL hovered five hundred feet up its optic providing direct feed in three spectrums. From the father and son's level and their eagle eyed view it would be recorded as the largest of the creatures raised its arm, the hundred or so that had pushed out from the cavernous object all notched their bows and raised them. Some in the crowded reacted and began to back away, Robert had drawn at some point as his father had done the same, screaming into his mic for backup as the first volley flew into the helpless on lookers. ​ 
-==== Introducing 67th STIR Team, Witch-2 Biped Tank Team, and the Gleese Ranch (Alert Status Achieved) ==== 
-They had been rotated home for less than a day, a day most had spent taking to the local night life and for those with families heading out to visit them. For thirty-five year old First Lieutenant Martin Vega of the 67th Strategic Technological Investigative and Retreval (STIR) Team it had meant a days worth of debriefing and filling out contact reports. Hispanic with lighter skin but darker hair, he stood a few inches under six foot and had a look that could be called average until one looked into the bright blue color of his synthetic eyes. A gift from the corps after a grenade had gone off a little to close, the other unnatural feature was the slot on the back of his head. A standard issue direct neural interface system with some wireless capability, giving him a permanent data link and augmented reality view of his world. ​ 
-He could already feel the fatigue starting to drag along behind him, like a petulant child holding onto his leg as he walked into the meeting room only to find the officer'​s staring at the flat panel display on the far wall. Their eyes where wide and he could see their mouths hanging before he focused on the sprawling image as well.  
-It was the local news affiliate, in the right corner a middle aged blonde woman continued to speak in rapid fire panic in her eyes but it was the look down image of the news VTOL that held him. It showed somewhere in downtown, the commercial district he guessed from the shops along the edges of the street. The large roundabout intersection had changed with something that didn't fit in with the ferrocrete, glass and steel. It towered in the center of road conjunction,​ a black shimmering mass at its center that continued to spill out small and large objects. Vega didn't know it but his mouth was hanging as well, at least until the camera zoomed down showing the gasping face of a resident with a trio of arrows in her chest. ​ 
-==== Introducing Gale 23-3 Gunship Team ==== 
-==== Introducing Legion Attache Antius Murena ==== 
fic/the_fic.1550906418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/23 07:20 by arieg203