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Current Year
2789 A.D.

Setting Information

Sector Map


Notable Technologies




Nations and Entities

Solar Confederacy
United American Starzone
Anglo Confederation
Ruhr Federal Zone

Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


This is an old revision of the document!

'The Gaggle' Light Mech Company


Personnel Protective Gear

Standard Atmosphere Use
M7 Modular Lightweight Combat Suit 'MLCS'

Hostile Atmos/Vacuum Use
M5 Modular Medium Exo Combat Suit 'MMECS'

Specialist Arms and Equipment


Command Element

1x IKR-89v3 'Puma' Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- 3x Crew, Company Commander, XO, Company Sergeant, COM specialist, Company Level IWA Operator

Combat Element

Combat Element
3x Wheeled Light Mech Platoons

1x IKR-89v3 'Puma' Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- 3x Crew, Platoon Commander, XO, COM specialist

3x SP-92v5 'Jaguar' Wheeled Armored Infantry Carrier
- 2x Crew, 1x Rifle Squad Each

Combat Support Element

Combat Support Element
1x Wheeled Light Mech Weapons Platoon

1x IKR-89v3 'Puma' Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- 3x Crew, Platoon Commander, XO, COM specialist, Platoon Level IWA Operator

2x SP-92v5 'Jaguar' Wheeled Armored Infantry Carrier
- 2x Crew Each, 1x Weapons Squad, 1x Mortar Squad

Support Element

Support Element
1x Medical Evacuation Squad

2x SP-92v5 'Jaguar' Wheeled Armored Infantry Carrier (Medical Variant)
- 2x Crew, First Vehicle w/ Squad Leader then one medical team per vehicle.

units_and_organization/solar_confed/surface_forces/the_gaggle.1651306470.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/30 08:14 by arieg203