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The World of Eideon
Current Year
875th Imperial Year
( 1105th Year Since the Inferno )

Races of Eideon

Natural Races



Created Races

Koffek Race

Dumaur Race

Uunbal Race


This is an old revision of the document!



The Nobility or the High Elves.


A sub faction that has taken to a more isolationist and more natural lifestyle. Olive toned skin?


Dark elves, practically half elves that have found their place among the various groups of humanity.


Ocean dwelling elves that almost exclusively make their lives out at sea or close to the coast.

Discord Notes

naming convention: [first name] [suffix] [surname] suffixes: - poor/peasant = an - in between = ven - nobility = shen

However, some half-elves decide to abandon their elven side to integrate better in the human society. Half-elves are generally frowned upon by humans and elves, but other races don't have that prejudice. Because of that, they're much easier to find in local enclaves in human or elven territory, or in towns populated by non-humans and non-elves.

fic/eideonraces/elves.1593799982.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/03 18:13 by arieg203