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  • Capital
  • Common Languages
  • Government
    Dictatorial Constitutional Senatorial Monarchy
  • Legislature
    Senatorial Council
    Merchant Assembly
    House of Lands
  • Founding
    230 A.F. (Imperial Year 0)
  • Population
    155.58 Million
  • Currency
    Sarbus (Gold Coin)
    Cani (Silver Coin)
    Korna (Bronze Coin)

Rothian Imperial Realm

The Rothian Imperial Realm, also known simply as the 'Empire' or the 'Realm' to most who call the continent home, is a vast 'successor' state to the human nation that went to war with the Eternal race over a thousand years ago. All but a pale shadow of the technological nation before it the Empire has none the less managed to establish itself over a vast area. Clawing back control from the myriad of warlords and the chaotic state of Eideon in the centuries after the war.

Like most of the powers it lives in a split state between the technologically and magically advanced relics of the past and the new neo-feudalism and primitive means of the current that have taken hold in the time since the fall of the world.


  • Founding of the first kingdom along the river Roth.
  • The discovery of a great cache of knowledge and lost technological material.
  • The Subsuming of the Sleihte.
  • The annexation of the Farraighe.


Upper Government

Imperial Family

House of Lands

  • A hereditarial senate manned by members of the families that control the various provinces of the empire, effectively acting as a representative council for these regions before the emperor.

Assembly of Rhocasia

  • Located outside of the capital at the convergence of several major roads.
  • A collective of powerful merchant families and trading houses which control the main lines of trade and the prices for the goods that travel along them. While their actual land holdings are small and typically at the behest of the family that controls the province their power doesn't rise from such holdings. Instead their check against both the Emperor and the House of Lands is their control on the flow of goods and the prices, able to starve provinces and favor others depending on their treatment within.

Lower Government


A quasi independent administrative region ruled and controlled by a type of lord known as a Provis and his or her respective house and hereditary line. These families act as the second step in the government of the Rothian Realm. Day to day administration is carried out by the king, a council of the ruling house, and a group of representatives from the various 'Sovereigns' that make up a province.

  • Provis
    Lord/King of a province and head of its ruling house.
  • Provoci
    A Hereditary Monarchy/House that is part of the 'Lord' social class acts as head of province and will often control the largest and wealthiest sovereign (sub-unit of administration under provinces). The leaders of these houses typically serve for life or until they are declared unfit with each house having its own system for deciding a replacement. They can appoint or remove nobles within their realms on a whim but can be overridden by higher social ranks (Imperial Family etc.)
  • Military Obligation
    Regimental sized housed guard (4,500 to 6,000 men) and able to call up between 18,000 to 30,000 men. Larger more populated provinces can call up nearly one hundred thousand men.


Effectively counties or smaller administrative regions within a province, they are ruled by a Baron who often inherits the position from a hereditary family lineage. However the position has been known to be granted on a reward/meritocratic basis either to form new Sovereigns or to replace an existing Baron and his house.

  • Baron - The leader/king of a Sovereign.

Armed Forces

Armaments of the Rothian Imperial Realm

Vehicles of the Rothian Imperial Realm

Squad - Unia (12 men)
Platoon - Miiles (5 Unia avg. 60 Men)
Company - Trium (5 Miiles avg. 300 Men)
Battalion - Centor (6 Triums avg. 1,800 Men)
Regiment - Legion (5 Centors avg. 9,000 Men +organic attachments)
Division - Quine (4 Legions avg. 36,000 Men +organic attachments)
Corp - Exer (2 Quine avg. 72,000 Men +attachments)


  • Lords
  • Nobles
  • Merchants
  • Lower Nobility
  • Traders
  • Craftsmen
  • Commonfolk
  • Serfs
  • Slaves

Religion and Beliefs

Diplomacy and Relationships

Notable Locations

fic/eideon/factions/rothian_realm.1597502436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/15 14:40 by arieg203