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The World of Eideon
Current Year
875th Imperial Year
( 1105th Year Since the Inferno )

2789 A.D.
Characters of Eideon

Notable Characters

Anglo-American Union Characters
Cascadium (Military)

Cascadium (Civilian)

Union Colonial Marine Corps

Kaarn Applied Defense Solutions

Eideon Characters
The Cabal

The Southern Periphery

The Rothian Empire

The Dumauri



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Cascadium Military Characters

Cascadium Infantry Characters by Group

Dingo 1-2, 37th Cascadium Mechanized Battalion

A KSPN medium tank captured and converted for UAS outer colonial defense use, for its three TRDF reserve crew it is their home away from home.

Coyote 3-2, 2nd Platoon, 3rd Company, 37th Cascadium Mechanized Battalion

A mechanized squad part of the infantry detachment of the 37th, like most of their outfit they're TRDF and consist mostly of late teens and early twenties conscripts and a reserve sergeant formerly of the United American Starzone Colonial Marine Corps (UASCMC).

Devil 1 Actual, 3rd Squadron, 5th Combat Aviation Regiment, Cascadium 1st Surface Force Division

A medium VTOL gunship outfit operating from the Fort Epler Surface Installation, Devil-1 Actual is one of six such craft part of the 3rd Squadron and are among the first aviation assets cut to deal with the crisis that emerges in the area around Dorvan Farms. Like most aviators in the CSF he is a veteran of other services, in this case the UAS Navy, trading in his space wings for a ground target killing attack craft.

1301st Armored Battalion - B Company - 1st Platoon 'Red Dog Troop'

James Ross
Red Dog Actual

Tank Commander
Hotel 266

Visual Reference

Familial Ties

Physical Description
Career Information

Corporal Second Grade
Lucas Simpson

Hotel 266

Visual Reference

Familial Ties

Physical Description
Career Information

Private First Grade
Martha Reyes

Hotel 266

Visual Reference

Familial Ties

Physical Description
Career Information

1402nd Squadron of the 4th Aviation Support Regiment

Victor Hessle
'Devil-2 Actual'

Squadron Leader
Gunship Pilot

Visual Reference

Familial Ties

Physical Description
Career Information

1405th Squadron of the 4th Aviation Support Regiment

Anika Archera
'Sandman-1 Actual'

Squadron Leader
Gunship Pilot

Visual Reference

Familial Ties

Physical Description
Career Information

Sub-Notes from Discord

1rst team

Eli Higgs- (Corporal First Grade, combat team leader)

Lucas Simpson- (Light-AntiTank) A simple, practical man. The male members of his family have always been soldiers at some point in their lives, and Lucas is no exception. He would have enlisted as a marine, but his parents decided to settle on Cascadium 10 years prior. With the opportunity of continuing the long family tradition while staying relatively close to them, he enlisted as a PDF soldier. He has a very “militaristic” behaviour.

Martha Reyes- (Tech-med) Strict about the rules, she joined the PDF as a medic. She has a bad relationship with her mother. Since her mother is a nurse, she initially joined the local PDF to try to mend up that relation (her mother works in not-Dorrance), but the Gate happened before anything could happen. Absolutely loves 20th century Rock.

Martin Higgins- (Rifleman) The last son of a farmer. Has been left with more free reigns than his brothers and sisters so has a rebellious/punk personality. Joined the PDF because his brothers and sisters will take care of the family business.

2dn team

Sean Holloway- (Corporal Second Grade, combat team leader) A long-time friend of the Moss and Masse duo, is the “cool head” of the group, trying to rule in their wild behaviour, even before they joined the PDF. Is a very patient and forgiving person.

Henry Moss- (Machine gunner) Ronald Masse- (Rifleman/assistant gunner) Moss and Masse (not-Fred-and-George from Harry Potter) are two irremediable pranksters who were best friend their whole life. They love to laugh and joke around, some of their “pranks” earning them a day or two in jail to cool off. They were put in Holly and Sean’s group in hope that their serious behaviour would rub off on the two friends.

Holly Saito- (Designated Marksman) Holly’s grandparents were part of the first wave of colonists that came to settle on Cascadium. Because of that, her parents had a rough lifestyle and it was felt in her upbringing. Hunting trips several-days long were common, and with her home far from other colonists and villages, she developed a silent lifestyle and good observational abilities.

fic/characters/cascadium_military.1649338141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/07 13:29 by arieg203