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2789 A.D.

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Nations and Entities

Solar Confederacy
United American Starzone
Anglo Confederation
Ruhr Federal Zone

Coalition of Progressive People's Systems
Koalitsiya Sistem Progressivnykh Narodov

Protectorat Du Phare
Lighthouse Protectorate

Dominion of the Sanujab


Junk Drawer


This is an old revision of the document!

Government of the Colonial Pact Trade Alliance

While numerous quasi independent states make up the Colonial Pact all are expected to abide by a common pattern governmental system for the purposes of perpetuating trade and the well being of their populations. However there is a ruling authority which acts as the primary Federal system for alliance, its main role is to settle disputes and reduce the chance of inter-factional warfare by maintaining both a federal authority and backing it with a military force all member states contribute too.

The Colonial Charter

Also simply known as 'The Charter', it is a list of rights and principles that must be guaranteed and practiced by a government or controlling body and granted to its citizens in order to become a member of the Colonial Trade Pact Alliance. These rights must also be extended to other citizens within the Pact when they are conducting their business or travels within other member factions.

  • Inalienable Individual Rights
    • Right to non-interfering religion.
    • Right to self defense.
    • Right to prosper.
    • Right to a future.
    • Right to personal property.
    • Right to reasonable non-interference.
  • Economic Commonality and Rights
    • Fair Competition.
    • Investment of Progress not Profit
    • No special treatment or tariffs.
    • Total ban on special selection based on political lobbying.
  • Government Commonality
    • Complete commonality - No individual planet or state shall establish special rulings or government groups for special selection or specialty interests.
    • Same elective process.
    • No special treatment based off of phenotype, origin, or religion.
    • No special influence based off of phenotype, origin, or religion.

Election Process

The voting process in the Colonial Trade Pact Alliance is a voluntary affair and is further assisted by the various personal electronic implants and devices any given citizen carries on them. Their finger prints, DNA, and biometric signature serves as their voter ID and only citizens of the various nations of the Colonial Pact Alliance are allowed to vote in elections. Additionally local elections have similar security measures and only registered citizens of any given colony settlement or system are allowed to vote in their respective elections. Authentication is generally carried out electronically and is AI monitored, voter fraud by either individuals or groups carries stiff penalties (however vote buying is legal but doing so enters the candidate into a contract with the buyers and if he fails he violates said contract and the law which also carries stiff penalties).

United Colonial Federal Authority

United Colonial Congressional Branch

  • Number of Representatives
  • Election Cycle
  • Power Checks

United Supreme Judiciary Court

  • Number of Representatives
  • Election Cycle
  • Power Checks

United Colonial Executive President

  • Number of Representatives
  • Election Cycle
  • Power Checks

Stellar Colonial Government

The following is the mandated structure and function of a star system wide government for nations within the Colonial Pact Trade Alliance.

SSG Elective General Council

Also known as the Congress, the EGC is an elected term based legislative body that acts as the head of any given government's inner workings and determines (if needed) policy changes to the various arrangements in the system between the government, population, and corporate interests and the assorted laws and standards that keep the colony or nation orderly. They may also challenge actions taken by the Executive Ministers Office, these challenges may be affirmed or overruled by the Supreme Judicial Court.

  • Number of Representatives
    Twenty-one elected members known as Councilmen or Congressional Authorities.
  • Election Cycle
    Election every two years, persons who have served two terms are not eligible for reelection for a minimum of six years.
  • Power Checks
    Motions passed through may be veto'd by the Executive Ministers Office or found unsound by the Supreme Judicial Council in the event the Council overrides the veto with a 90 percent majority vote or a lawsuit against the measure reaches their court.

SSG Supreme Judicial Court

A nine person council of judges elected every twenty years with no more then two allowed to come from a single population center. These nine individuals act as a balance between the council and the executive minister's office by acting as a moderator and veto breaker. They also act as the highest court when dealing with legal and civil situations that are beyond either the settlement/city courts or planetary level courts and act as determinators of whether or not an action or edict violates the various agreements and charters in place. Candidates may be selected by the population or by the general council, the latter of which must then select the nine persons to serve on the SSG Supreme Judicial Court. Final approval is given by the star system's Executive Minister.

  • Number of Representatives
    Nine justices most commonly known as Supreme Stellar Judiciary.
  • Election Cycle
    Elected every twenty years with each member only being allowed to serve one term in the supreme judicial court, however they may move up or down the court ladder in other elections.
  • Power Checks
    Dis-approvals by the Supreme Judicial Court can be overidden by both approval from the Executive Minister's Office and a one hundred percent vote by the Elective General Council. Members may also be impeached for either law violations or gross misconduct of position by a minimum of 60 percent of the Elective General Council's vote with a final approval coming from the Executive or 85 percent of the Elective General Councils vote outright.

SSG Executive Minster's Office

  • Number of Representatives
  • Election Cycle
  • Power Checks
colonial_pact/government.1522222631.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/28 07:37 by arieg203