====== Emperor-General Hellas Sarsella ====== ### The seventh child of ten in a family of industrial workers from the city of Karath. Lower end education, just enough to perhaps go on into the management/foreman equivliant of his father's position hence the need to read and write. Selected for service in baron's component of the Provoci's military obligation, accels in small unit leadership and is promoted to a corporal equivlant after a skirmish with intruding bandits. Distiguishes himself again in an action against an established group of raiders and air pirates in his Lord's province, is promoted to sergeant equivilant and given a boon/bonus by his Baron for his conduct during which involved saving a blood relative. Said relative would soon become a companion mostly due to his inept nature in the conduct of warfare but his capability in dealing with politics and the nobility. A few years later he is offered a commission by the Provis of the province of Karath in order to head up a small unit of troops intended to contain various troubles which the provincial troops are to ungainly and slow to deal with. Mostly oriented toward dedicated anti-bandit and anti-pirate work. During this period he would meet his future wife, the daughter of a arms merchant guildmaster and a capable mechanical engineer and gunsmith in her own right. (Requesting some kind of custom weapon?) During the summer months later on his unit is called to a border territory of the province due to a sudden spike in surface caravan disappearances and while they initially encounter and dispatch bandits they later discover it to be the activity of a dumauri clan just over the border and are attacked while patrolling with a local oblign. He soon finds himself in command of both forces after the latter's captain flees in terror and while losing half of his force still manages to drive off the dumauri and their human thralls. The actions of the day catching both a Rothian Army general's eye as well as the clan matriarch on the other side of the border. ### //Origins/Childhood// a //Adulthood// a //Current Status// //Physical Data//\\ [[https://frompage2screen.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/00000002.jpeg|Visual Reference]] *Species\\ *Sex\\ *Age (In SOL Years)\\ *Height\\ *Notable Physical Attributes\\ *Tattoos or Body Mods\\ //Psychological Data// *Motivations\\ *Fears\\ //Professional/Skillset Data// *Training/Education\\ *Professional History\\ *Aptitudes\\ //Family/Spouse// *Wife (Deceased)\\ *Son\\ *Son\\ *Daughter\\